For Hayakuza Family (Twitch Subscriber ver)

Thank you very much for your continued support!

This page is about what we do for our Twitch subscribers!

If anyone wants to support HayaTikaze, please click here!

Amazon prime会員の人は、毎月1人だけ無料でサブスク出来る特典を持っています。
Amazon Prime members have the privilege of subscribing for free for only one person each month.
※You need manual update every month.

サブスク特典!Subscriber Benefits!

・広告が無し! No more ADS!

No more ads in Haya’s stream!

・専用の絵文字が使える! Can use special emoji!

Haya drew it all myself! I did my best to draw it, so please use it a lot!

HayaTikaze Twitch Emote subscriber
The illustration of the frame was written by Wakako Shimizu.

You have the freedom to use both places when you connect Twitch and Discord!

HayaTikaze Twitch Emote subscriber
HayaTikaze Twitch Emote subscriber

・ありがとうカード! Thanks Card!

その日の放送の時にサブスクしてくれた人やサブスクギフトやBitsをくれた人の名前を書いて、Discord HiTsサーバーでプレゼントしています!
I wrote down the names of people who subscribed during the stream that day, or gave me gift subs or Bits, and I give them away on HiTs Discord server!

Thanks card Twitch subscriber

・日本語学習者のための教材! Materials for Japanese language learners!

少しずつ制作中です!( 現在60枚以上 )
I am working on it little by little! (currently more than 60 sheets)

I hope that these study materials are useful to you.

*You can download from HiTs Discord server.

日本語学習者向けTwitter ( ジャパ日常 ) でも、同じ画像を見ることができますが、ランダムで投稿されます。
You can see the same images on Twitter for Japanese learners ( JapaNichijou ), but they are posted randomly.

If you are interested in Japanese content videos, please check out YouTube for Japanese language education!

For japanese learner picture material

Join a special Discord text chat! 特別なDiscordテキストチャットに参加!

Join HiTs Discord server!

I sometimes have special conversations and post secret photos!

HayaTikaze Discord Art Hayakuza
The illustration was drawn by Nakoya

For HayaTikaze♡

HayaTikaze will do my best to make everyone smile!

I want to be able to live solely on streams someday!

HayaTikaze Discord Art Hayakuza
The illustration was drawn by Nakoya

Thank you for reading this far!
